Janel Nail

make. create. inspire


art and design focusing on imagination and creative expression


our Bridgeland art camp is sold out! Thank you for checking in.

two new dates!!!

July 15-19 (half days)

July 29-Aug 2 (full days) sold out!

I wanted to thank you for such an amazing camp! Both kids absolutely LOVED it and couldn’t wait to go each morning (and that’s a huge success for 2 kids that would usually much rather stay home with mom!)
— Heather

Artist in Residence

Art classes & Workshops

Public art

shop art


Janel Nail

Artist in Residence, teacher, mom, wife and creative guru - Janel most recently taught a half day workshop at the Calgary Teachers Convention on Nurturing Your Student’s Creativity Through Process Art. She is also currently an Artist in Residence in Calgary and surrounding areas where she focuses on imagination, art media exploration and personal expression with her students.

As a lifelong artist, Janel has explored a variety of art-making techniques and currently runs and owns an interior design company in YYC!